crush it effortAs we finish the third quarter and enter the last quarter of 2013, now is the time to accelerate our efforts!  For many of you, this is the quarter that maximizes this year’s comp plan, and you have an opportunity to take advantage of accelerated commissions.  Others of you have the opportunity to set yourselves up for a great start in 2014.  Either way, this is the time of year when we need to CRUSH IT!

So, how badly do you want to crush it?  Is it an all-consuming feeling?  Does it keep you up at night as you brainstorm ways to get the job done?  Are you willing to do what it takes to snag your big 2013 bonus check? 

Here’s the thing: we live in age where anything is possible. We possess unmatched opportunity—more than any previous generation.  The possibilities are endless for anyone with enough hustle, patience, and big dreams.    

This explains why Vince Lombardi said, “Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.” Some people exhibit the habit of winning, and although we’d like to believe these people have a special gift, the reality is that they display unwavering and hardcore commitment to their goals. Winners exercise an impressive amount of self-discipline as they travel the path to the goals they want in life.

Crushing it does not involve a magic formula that equates to less work.  Reaching success isn’t dependant on circumstances; it’s dependent on our choices.

Finding new circumstances won’t make us successful, but making better choices will.  

Speaking of choices, did you give it your all today? This is a basic and very simple question we should ask ourselves every day.  If the answer is “no” and we could have given or done more, let’s not get down on ourselves—it happens.  Set a goal to do better tomorrow—to go harder, give more, and prove to ourselves that we are capable of achieving the greatness that is within all of us. Tomorrow is a new day; it’s OUR day to exceed all of our expectations.  Let’s tear off the roof and allow no ceiling to our success—only blue sky as we CRUSH IT!

So where do we start?  The important thing is to start where you are right now—and then don’t stop! We must dominate whatever it is we are doing.

What are you doing on Monday? Start by crushing Monday.  Make Monday the most productive Monday you have ever had.  Forget the “Monday Blues” and instead create “Monday Momentum.”  Create so much momentum that it spills over into Tuesday and Wednesday and the rest of the week! Before you know it, you will have had your best week ever, and that will turn into your best month and then your best year. 

Finally, don’t limit the amount of success you can have, as limitations are a recipe for disaster.  Really successful people know that their future success depends on more effort.  Success begets more success when effort is part of the equation. When a successful person’s desire for success ceases, so does his or her cycle of success.  Success is like breathing: your previous breath was important, but it is not nearly as important as your next one.

As salespeople, the last and final quarter of the year is always the most important, for it demonstrates our ability as a company to finish strong and set ourselves up for success in the coming year.  I hope you accept this challenge, no matter where you are in the rankings, to crush it this last and final quarter of 2013, and I mean CRUSH IT!  Good selling!

Crush it


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