Dream, Focus, and Succeed!

A few weeks ago, I shared with you my goals for 2013 and challenged you come up with your own BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals), write them down, and then share them.  If we choose to, we can all make 2013 an EPIC year!  One way to help achieve our dreams and goals is by creating a vision board.

What is a vision board, you ask?

A vision board is a simple but powerful visualization tool to get the Law of Attraction (more on this below) working for you. A vision board consists of a foam or poster board with pictures, drawings, graphs, and/or writing on it depicting the things that you want in your life or the person that you want to become.

A vision board helps to transform your dreams into reality by focusing your mind on the goals you want to achieve using a collection of personal, business, and “feel good” images that you look at several times each day. When you regularly and consistently focus your attention on the things most important to you, those most important things will become your reality. That is how the Law of Attraction works: what you focus on, you attract into your business and personal life!

What exactly is the Law of Attraction?

After some research, I discovered the following: the Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives anything that we give attention to, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.

From a scientific view, the Law of Attraction can be best explained by the information filtering system of the brain known as the reticular activating system (RAS). Vision boards serve in the role of programming the RAS to tune in to external stimuli that can help us move closer to what we want in life.

I found some great analogies/examples to explain the operation of the RAS and the Law of Attraction:

1)      Think of your RAS like a radio. You are surrounded by radio waves from various stations, and your portable radio can pick up those channels, but it can only pick up one at a time. You have to tune your radio to the specific frequency of your favorite radio station in order to hear it properly.

2)      Imagine that you are in a meeting room talking with several people, and from the distant corner of the room, you hear your name called. All of your focus gets diverted in the direction from which you heard your name because that bit of information is tagged by the RAS as being important to you.

3)      Your RAS is responsible for your ability to sleep through the noise of traffic outside your house but your sudden waking at the smallest cry from your infant child.

4)      Another example of the RAS occurs when you go and buy a brand new car—and then suddenly you notice many people around you that have the exact same car.

All successful people have developed ways of staying focused on their goals. A vision board can help you get there! A well-designed and impactful vision board is:

1. Visual. Your subconscious mind works in pictures, so your vision board needs to be highly visual, with lots of images. You can also include positive words and phrases.

2. Emotional. Each image on your vision board should generate a positive emotional response. Your vision board should be uplifting, which will increase your passion for achieving your desires.

3. Strategically-placed. Your vision board should be carefully placed somewhere you will often see it, so that its messages regularly reach your subconscious mind.

With 2013 upon us, let’s make every attempt to make this an EPIC year in both our professional and personal lives. I wish you all the best in your quest for greatness and success!

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3 Responses to Dream, Focus, and Succeed!

  1. Gary Harvey says:

    I teach in our Sandler Sales Training about the Law of Attraction concept. I have read a number of books on it and believe in it 100%. I see examples of this constantly the older I get.

    The simple example I give about it is, “ever known anyone that’s always worried about being sick? Guess what, they’re always sick”. Ever known anyone that always worries about being broke and have a poverty mentality( i.e. like some salespeople we both have met before)? Guess what, wonder why those people are always broke”. Law of Attraction. That simple

    Whatever you put energy on, positive or negative, odds are you will get back that same energy, positive or negative back. This is why I tell all PC clients, “I heard there’s a recession and I decided not to participate in it.”

  2. Pingback: One Word to Describe Your Passion

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