Four Incredible Words: I Believe In You!

Watch this short inspirational video!

Special thanks to a colleague for sharing this with me: this video has inspired my blog this week on the heels of ConMed’s National Sales Meeting.

What makes some people get up off the floor and persevere while others complain and despair? In this video, the man heard lots of negativity and “realism.” No one even gave him a chance. So what turned his life around? He found someone who believed in him, he took ownership of his circumstances, and he never, never gave up!

Now that our National Sales Meeting has concluded and everyone is back in the field, it is inevitable that we will face new challenges as we pursue a wildly successful 2013! The problem with these types of meetings is that they are like eating Chinese food. You get excited, eat until full, and then get hungry again in a few hours.

In other words, we come together at these meetings, we get excited about the year ahead, we leave to go home, and then the real works begins. How do we stay on point with our career goals?

It’s up to each one of us to remain diligent, persistent, and committed to our objectives for 2013.

Over the course of my career, I’ve realized there are four words that have the potential to change someone’s personal and career development. These four words can have a tremendous impact on one’s success. A few years ago, these four words changed my world when someone spoke them to me:

I Believe In You.

“I believe in you” is probably one of the most powerful statements anyone could make. These words allow someone to do and think things about themselves that weren’t previously possible or believable. I’ve learned that sometimes the thing we need most in life and business is someone who will believe in us. Through having someone believe in us, we can achieve greater things than we ever thought possible.

Life and business were never meant to be a cakewalk.

We will surely have our trials, challenges, and tribulations. Winning in life and business always requires us to be persistently consistent. It’s been said that “persistence beats resistance.” You may be down today, but you are definitely not out! People may be watching you like a hawk, expecting you to throw in the towel abruptly. I believe that “it’s not over until you succeed!” If you feel that there are more people against you than for you, I definitely understand how that feels, but trust me:

You are closer to your breakthrough than you think.

Someone once said this statement to me: “Life is not a rehearsal but the main show. Quit living like you are preparing for the main event and start showing up on the performance stage of life.” When life pushes us down, we have to learn how to get up and keep moving forward until life makes a way where there seemed to be no way.

Richard DeVos, Sr., a successful billionaire and businessman, states:

“If I had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick the traits of persistence and determination. The will to endure to the end, to get knocked down seventy times and get up off the floor saying ‘Here comes number seventy-one!’”

The point I’m trying to make here is that we should never give up. I believe in you! I am asking you to believe in yourself! Find the passion within you to create what you want in life. It’s an ongoing process that is ever-changing and evolving.

So do what it takes to make you truly happy and successful and never, never, never give up!

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